Neighborhood Safety

If You Are Concerned, Call It in!

Some residents may have heard about the incidents of shots fired in Spring Creek Forest over the past couple months.  There were no injuries, but one residence sustained property damage to a window.  The Sheriff’s department has confirmed that SCF is still one of the safest neighborhoods to live in Spring, TX.  The contract with the Harris County Sheriff's Office is the Association's largest expense and we believe it has been a very effective crime deterrent.  With the exception of these recent serious incidents, we have very little crime in our community.  The Board has ordered additional signage notifying those entering the neighborhood that it is actively patrolled by the Harris County Sheriff’s Office and will be discussing other possible security measures in our upcoming Board meeting. We strongly encourage residents to call law enforcement immediately if you see or hear anything suspicious.  It is better to be safe than sorry.  The Sheriff's non-emergency number is 713-221-6000 and in an emergency, dial 911.  In an instance of a dog attack, please contact Harris County Animal Control at 281-999-3191 and the Sheriff.  These numbers are also listed in the monthly newsletter.  Please DO NOT contact Sterling or Board members in these situations.  The Board continues to communicate and work with our HCSO contract officers and will continue to make safety a priority in our community.