Pool Wristband Distribution

SCF Residents,

The pool successfully opened this past weekend.  A special thanks to everyone who helped make it happen.  Opening day attendance on Saturday was a total of 237 patrons with a peak of 48 at one time at 2:00pm.  Going forward if anyone missed the pool band pick up hours you can still obtain your bands by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to http://www.scfneighbors.com/governing-documents

  2. Download, print and sign the following forms

    • Pool Policy

    • Waiver of Liability

  3. Email pool@scfneighbors.com 

    • Your home address

    • How many bands you need (large or small bands). Residents are only allowed bands for the people who actually live at that address. All others are considered visitors and must sign in. See visitor policy listed in the pool policy.

  4. Await email confirmation and place the signed forms on your front porch.

  5. The bands will be placed on your front porch within 24-48 hours

Email requests will be honored until the June 30th Regular Board Meeting.  After that date, residents can contact Sterling directly for bands.  Please remember pool bands will only be issued to members who have accounts in good standing.